Our Vision

Our Mission

ESHIN will develop healthy, secure, high-quality affordable housing for residents qualifying for affordable housing in Essex, Union, and Morris Counties of New Jersey, using a combination of government funding, community capital, grants and private donations. 

Our Goal

Our target size is projects of 2-to-20 units.  While we are in a position to build from the ground up, we are focused on the potential to purchase and renovate structures ranging from two-family homes to small institutional buildings.  This approach is both economical and well-suited to communities that wish to preserve as much as possible of the stylistic character of their existing housing stock.

New Jersey needs a significant amount of additional affordable housing.  This need has been recognized by the State’s courts in the 1975 Mount Laurel decision of the State Supreme Court and in numerous cases since.  Scores of municipalities throughout NJ have taken steps to meet the mandate to add sufficient affordable units to house those in need of such assistance.

Nevertheless, many of our state’s communities are in need of additional units and are reaching out to providers of affordable housing solutions for assistance in meeting these requirements.

We believe that there is a particular need in our area, where several towns are seeking to add rental units to meet NJ state-required mandates for 2025 and beyond.  We are committed to help meet those needs, focusing on the Counties of Union, Essex and Morris.

Many for-profit real estate developers have built in areas that can accommodate large projects.  Most of those housing units are at full market rates.  Only a few have been at rates deemed by the localities to be “affordable”.  

We believe that we can fill a niche that has been largely ignored; small-scale development that blends with the existing town-scape.  As a recognized 501(C)3 non-profit, we can purchase, build, renovate, populate and manage affordable housing projects without the need to factor in a profit margin.